My 2 day tour with Sun & Surf began with a 45 minute Ferry to Kangaroo Island. No sea sickness on the way in, but we had a very bumpy ride on the way home - luckily, still no sea sickness.
I went on the top deck to take in the view, and of course some incredible pictures. This is where I met Joanne from Sydney.
When we arrived we explored a few beaches including Pennington Bay. Even though the weather got very chilly on the island, the white sand and turquoise water made it feel just like summer.
There were 13 of us that spent the 2 days together. One including Lisa (left) from TORONTO. Naturally we hit it off. She has been in Sydney for the past year on a Working Holiday Visa. Jealous? Do you have a passport? Are you between 18 and 35? You can get one too!
When we got back to our accommodation, the 13 of us made dinner together which included KANGAROO MEAT! I didn't try any but from what I heard it was quite tasty - the boys were comparing it to steak.
Later that night the group split up to sleep. My room was quite crowded with 6 girls (2 Canadians, 1 from Scotland, 1 Switzerland and 2 Germany) and 2 boys (1 German and 1 Swedish). We were all around the same age and had a lot to talk about coming from such different backgrounds... very cool.
The next morning we continued our tour traveling the island on the Sun & Surf tour bus!
We then climbed Prospect Hill which was a total of 445 steps. Definitely worth it as the view was breathtaking. Nicola (bottom right) is from Scotland. Her accent was so nice but I had to ask her to repeat things a few times!
Later I got to literally get up close and personal with some roos! The feeling was absolutely amazing, they were not scared of us at all! Their fur was so soft and now I just can't help but wonder how I'm going to make a career out of playing with kangaroos - I just love it.
The tour included several other wildlife spottings including; Australian seal lions (below), fur seals, wallabies (look like smaller kangaroos), koalas and baby penguins :)
We finished off the trip with some sand boarding, which was an absolute riot. As a Canadian I'm used to sliding on snow hills... sand hills are a whole new story.
Definitely got some exercise climbing the massive hills between runs -- Kangaroo Island could really use a chairlift !
So many kangaroos!!! They are SO SO cute!!!! This has been a dream of yours since I first met you - and now you are getting to hold them!! SO amazing!!!